Patterner's Path series
Ten-year-old Lady Elona of Faerholme finds herself the target of a prophecy that predicts she will defeat an invading army. But that’s impossible: she's just a girl! Her betrothal to a Prince solves the paradox: she can produce an heir to fight the prophesied war.
FormatEbookBuy linkISBN978-1-910342-80-0
FormatPaperbackBuy linkISBN978-1-910342-81-7
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Life at Corlain Castle has not improved for Elona since her return, and when Jaymis suggests they go on a Grand Tour, she agrees just to get away.
FormatEbookBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-16-6
FormatPaperbackBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-17-3
FormatHard coverBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-18-0
Elona's pyrrhic victory at the Fastness is soon overwhelmed by new troubles when she discovers the secrets of the Slissac are about to be revealed.
FormatEbookBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-23-4
FormatPaperbackBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-24-1
FormatHard coverBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-25-8
Only one solution remains for Elona, despite her desire to run away from it all.
FormatEbookBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-26-5
FormatPaperbackBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-27-2
FormatHard coverBuy linkISBN978-1-913199-28-9